
Unfortunately, I'm lacking time and will not be able to update my site more than once in a blue moon. At least you don't have to be afraid getting spammed in case you subscribe to my blog ;) A turbulent year at the gas pump! Fuel Prices in 2023

A turbulent year at the gas pump! 🚗💭

2023 was a true price dance at the gas stations in Austria.

This infographic from my website captures the wild ride of diesel and gasoline prices. See for yourself how the costs fluctuated:

  • 🌞 Summer low for diesel
  • ❄️ Gasoline low at the beginning of the year
  • 🍂 Autumn price peaks
  • 🎄 Price calming towards the end of the year
  • 📊 Diesel on average more expensive than Super 95

Did these price fluctuations affect your driving behavior?

All data is based on my free app "Spritpreise AT: Clever Tanken". You can get it for free at 📲

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  1348 Hits

Comparison of fuel prices in Austria by federal state

The new update of "Spritpreise AT - Clever Tanken" contains a federal-state comparison with the average prices per "Bundesland". It also shows the currently cheapest and most expensive federal state.
Example of the current price difference: On average, diesel prices in Burgenland are at the moment 6.3 cents cheaper than in Vienna. 🤔
The app takes a total of 2700 gas stations from all over Austria into account. ⛽️


A side note: it is difficult to derive the federal state from an Austrian postal code systematically. For example, postcodes beginning with 5 are not necessarily within Salzburg, but can also belong to Upper Austria. For the relatively small Burgenland, where most postcodes start with 7, some start with 2 (Lower Austria) or 8 (Styria). Lower Austria even tops this diversity...


If anyone wants to know the exact mapping of zip codes to federal states, here are JSON files that I made available as open-source on GitHub:


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  4480 Hits

Spritpreise AT - Clever Tanken

Spritpreise AT: Clever Tanken Die ultimative App für alle Autofahrer, die in Österreich günstig tanken und sich über die aktuellsten Tankstellenpreise informieren möchten

I use my new app "Spritpreise AT - Clever Tanken" not only when refueling my car, but also to calculate some statistics behind the scenes.
The past few days I was looking into a correlation between days with increased traffic volume and fuel price increases. At first, I thought that Pentecost ("Pfingsten") would be a perfect proof for this since it's very popular for traveling in Austria and people typically use their car to get to their desired holiday destination. However, despite the price increases before and towards Pentecost, the prices continued to rise even after the Pentecost weekend:
This makes me think that the price increases are driven by macroeconomic inflaters rather than foreseeable events.
So it seems to me that Pentecost has just been right in the middle of this boost and that it's not necessarily correlated.
To be able to draw better conclusions about correlations and maybe even causalities I'm looking forward to collecting more fuel price data within the next years and to provide insights from the data directly to the users of the app.
Don't miss out on the features that the app already has though, such as current price information for all gas stations in Austria, price trends, and even some price history over the recent past.
You are welcome to download it free of charge:
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  12073 Hits

Public Toilets in Vienna adds search option for hand disinfection and goes viral

Kurier - Kopf des Tages

Acting together to fight the coronavirus

I have updated my app Public Toilets in Vienna with great data from the City of Vienna, which enables my app to show opportunities for hand disinfection. Disinfecting hands helps protect against COVID-19.

Recognition in newspaper

Today, the Austrian daily newspaper "Kurier" mentioned me in their print edition for Vienna as their brain of the day. The app has gained wide acceptance since my post 4 days ago. I'm very pleased about that ❤️.

If I find some time, I would love to expand this feature further. #againstcovid

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  113912 Hits

Bitcoin Monitor has reached 50k installs on Android

Bitcoin Monitor for Android: 10k installs in May 2020

While my free app Bitcoin Monitor started mostly with iOS users, it recently saw exponential growth with 10.000 new users in a single month and more than 50k installs as of May 2020. This is organic growth only. The top 3 countries on Android are currently Nigeria, Argentina and Brazil. Interestingly, these countries also gave the highest ratings. Thanks for your support.<

Download the app here:

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  219205 Hits

Stencil Web Components in React with generated React wrappers and bindings for TypeScript

I wrote an article on Medium about how to use Stencil Web Components in React apps with generated React wrappers and typings for efficient use with TypeScript and TSX.


You can read the full article here:

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  255630 Hits

Stock Watch FAANG Signals - Volatility during COVID-19

Stock Watch FAANG Signals During Covid-19

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 "Stock Watch FAANG Signals" has seen tremendous momentum in the stock market. This picture of yesterday's close is just one of many examples of the volatility in current markets:

Apple fell more than 4% from its session high. Its volatility spiked to 10% within the last hour of trading.

Via Stock Watch FAANG Signals:

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  101776 Hits

Public Toilets in Vienna

Public-Toilets-in-Vienna Public Toilets in Vienna now available on Android and iOS

Open Government Data

Who would have thought?

Our government in Vienna uses various blockchains (Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin) to store timestamps & checksums of all Open Government Datasets that ever existed.

Such a perfect use case for Blockchain, transparency & modern government!

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  34746 Hits

Quick wins for your Ionic Angular App with ES2015

Quick wins for your Ionic Angular App with ES2015 Performance Comparison: CItybikes Vienna

Originally posted at: Medium


You may have heard about differential loading. It’s an upcoming feature of the Angular CLI 8 and it creates separate bundles for ES2015 and ES5:

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  285256 Hits

Citybike Vienna ❤️ Warm Temperatures

Citybike Vienna time lapse video

I used Open Government Data to create a time-lapse video showing bike rentals from Vienna’s Citybike stations.


Original Blog Post: Vienna ❤️ Citybikes @Medium

These rental bikes are available free of charge for one hour and are the most eco-friendly choice to travel through Vienna. And yes, they are more environmentally friendly than scooters, simply because they are powered by your feet rather than an electric engine. 😉

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  115855 Hits

Visit Bitcoin Monitor at

Visit Bitcoin Monitor at

Bitcoin Monitor has moved to:

The new website has a PageSpeed score of 100 points and got 2 new features since the last update:
☆ Trade Signals
☆ Volatility Metrics

Bitcoin Monitor is also available on iOS & Android.

Check it out for free!

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  217400 Hits

[New App] Stock Watch: FAANG Signals

Stock Watch: FAANG Signals

This app gives you insights into the stock price and performance of NASDAQ's top tech stocks and calculates real-time trading recommendations for Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Alphabet and Microsoft. Find out which stock performs best among the FAANG, FANG, FAANGM and MANA stocks and take advantage of the trade signal to find the right buying or selling moment. The trade signal updates continuously with a recommendation of either neutral, sell, strong sell, buy or strong buy.

What are the FANG stocks?
Facebook (FB), Amazon (AMZN), Netflix (NFLX), and Google parent Alphabet (GOOGL).

What are the FAANG s?
FANG + Apple (APPL),

What are the FAANGM stocks?
FAANG + Microsoft (MSFT).

What are the MANA stocks?
Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, and Amazon.


You can downlod the app from the App Store and Google Play:

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  117985 Hits

Summer is calling: "Wassertemperatur in Österreich"

Wassertemperatur in Österreich - 4 Messwerte
Wassertemperatur in Österreich - 260 Messpunkte
Wassertemperatur in Österreich - Mit umliegende Badeseen

Summer is calling!

That's why I created a new app that visualizes the water temperatures of all Austrian lakes, rivers and reservoirs on Google maps.

It provides information about:

  • Water temperature
  • Water quality (ranging from excellent to bathing ban)
  • Water clarity / depth of sight
  • Microbes / germs in the water


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  96476 Hits

Citybikes: Radfahren in Wien

Citybikes: Radfahren in Wien Available for iOS, Android & Web
Citybikes Vienna for iOS & Android

Citybike Wien is a bike-sharing service where you can rent bikes for free for one hour. It is the cheapest and most eco-friendly choice to travel through Vienna.
There are currently 121 bike stations across Vienna, wich are available around the clock (24/7). You can borrow or return a bike anytime at one of the many Citybike stations.

Citybikes have been in Vienna for over 15 years and although scooters are supposedly the new hype, "Citybike Wien" still has clear advantages:

  1. Citybikes can be rented for free for one hour.
  2. Although scooters claim to be eco- friendly, only Citybikes are truly environmentally friendly because they do not require an engine and therefore do not need to be refueled or recharged.
  3. Because they do not have to be recharged overnight, you can always borrow a Citybike at any time. Day and night, 7 days a week.
  4. You can return your rental bike at any Citybike station that has an available box and thus keep the sidewalks free from parked bicycles.

This app provides you with up-to-date data on available bikes and available boxes in your area. Just take a look at the app and find everything at a glance:

  • A map with all Citybike Wien stations (currently 121 stations, and still growing)
  • Each station is visualized by a marker with 2 numbers: available bikes and available boxes.
  • Real-time updates of all stations as soon as a bike is borrowed or returned.
  • Find the nearest Citybike Wien stations near you.
  • Street View: find stations interactively in a 360-degree panorama view.
  • Distances: determines the exact distance, walking time and cycling time to the desired station.
  • Directions: get the route to a Citybike station.
  • Start an interactive visualization to see the utilization of all Citybike stations within the last 60 minutes in fast motion. This also creates heat maps with the most visited stations.
  • Clearly recognizable markers for a station when no bikes are available or when there are no more availables boxes for returns.
  • All important weather information at a glance: Current weather conditions, temperature, wind speed and more!

Hopefully the bike will soon become your preferred means of transportation in Vienna, whether you're planning a sightseeing tour, running errands or just taking a little bike ride with your friends. And the best part? It's environmentally friendly! #Bike-Sharing #FridaysForFuture

Did you notice? There's also a Citybike station in Salzburg! I added a marker on the map to create awareness for this awesome project!

Download Citybike Wien:

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  118155 Hits

The Evolution of Bitcoin Monitor: Crypto Coin Check

Crypto Coin Check v1.0

I'm happy to share with you my broader vision of Bitcoin Monitor, my new app "Crypto Coin Check".

Crypto Coin Check expands on the concept of real-time price monitoring across exchanges. The brand new feature called "Cross Coin Check" gives you a broad insight into market developments and allows you to compare Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC) and IOTA (MIOTA) among each other. For this purpose, all exchange rates are continuously calculated and related with each other. It is important for me to emphasize that the prices are obtained directly and unaltered by the exchanges! That means, the exchange rates are not manipulated (keyword: Coinmarketcap).

You can downlod the app completely free and without ads from the App Store and Google Play:

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  129880 Hits

Bitcoin Monitor with Real-Time Prices

Bitcoin Monitor

I created a little app for comparing cryptocurrency prices from Kraken, Coinbase, GDAX, Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Bitpanda & Coinfinity! It has support for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash & Litecoin with real-time exchange rates in Euro, Dollar & GBP. Make the best buy decision with real-time monitoring of Bitcoin prices across exchanges, visualization, lowest price detection, arbitrage potential calculation, change & volatility monitor and performance check between cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC) with prices for €, $ and £.


Tickers / Pairs

You can choose between the following coins & pairs:

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  431118 Hits

On the subject of RxJS: multiple subscribers to a single Observable

A while ago, I answered this question on StackOverflow regarding multiple subscriptions to an RxJS Observable.

As with everything else of RxJS, the answer is simple and elegant.

But first, let's start with the actual problem. Here's the author's question:

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  519692 Hits

Browser Market Share in Austria

Click to open interactive visualization

I recently took a look at the Austrian Web Analysis' statistics of browser market share in Austria, which provides an evaluation of page impressions of participating Austrian websites (see link) on a monthly basis.


Why does it interest me?

I’ve been strongly shifting my focus to modern web apps in the past years. These apps require a modern browser. Unfortunately, Microsoft's Internet Explorer - the browser that used to have the highest market share - didn't quite contribute to a wide and fast adoption of HTML5, but rather the opposite. Therefore, I'm rather fond of alternative browsers.

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  120337 Hits

Debuggable Browser for Android

Remote debugging the Android native browser
Google Play Store

Debugging the Android native browser

A couple of months ago, I created a small but handy Android app that enables developers to run their web apps inside the Android stock browser while allowing them to debug and inspect it with the Chrome Developer Tools.

So what is it?

Just a debug-enabled WebView (learn more), allowing you to use Chrome Developer Tools to inspect and debug your web app while its running on your device (Android 4.4 or higher).

What's the use of it?

When I'm developing a mobile web app, I frequently encounter bugs that only occur on real devices. Therefore, it's hard to reproduce and debug such defects within a desktop browser.

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  257388 Hits
  1 Comment

Award for outstanding achievements

Kapsch Award David Pertiller

Photo rights: Moni Fellner

In 2014, I was able to complete both of my Master's degrees with highest honor and even got an award by Kapsch - one of Austria's most successful technology corporations - in recognition of the high quality work and outstanding achievements.


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  218894 Hits

Speaker at PTC Live Stuttgart 2013

I'm happy to announce that I'm a speaker at the PTC Live conference in Stuttgart this November.

The talk is about new visualization concepts for software projects which utilize PTC's Integrity - you better don't miss it! ;)

More info about the speech attainable at the conference website here: Vortragsdetails: Neue Visualisierungskonzepte für PTC Integrity Software-Projekte.

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  341990 Hits

Fixing: Error executing command 'ant' on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks

Today I stumbled over an unexpected problem when trying PhoneGap/Cordova with Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks. Building a project for iOS went just fine, but building for Android wasn't without some guesswork.

After installing Android 4.2.2 via the Android SDK Manager (I had to use the older API v17 since it wasn't compatible with a newer one) and adding the PATH environment variables for the SDK's platform-tools and tools, I thought I was ready to take off by running the command: phonegap run android.

Nevertheless, I got the following error:

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  243533 Hits

Request: Data of Business Projects for Master Thesis

In my master thesis, I'm aiming for a better management of complexity of business projects by dedicated and context-driven visualizations. These visualizations are going to be substantially different from what typical dashboard visualization of ALM/PLM tools offer.

The purpose of this is to give a better overview of what's going on in extensive projects as well as a unique understanding of the factors contributing and leading to the project's state.

If you're curious about this and work with ALM/PLM tools or if you're for example a developer / product owner / manager of a project utilizing an ALM System like Microsoft's Team Foundation Service (TFS), I'd be happy to use your project's metrics (also anonymized) for my research. Your data will be treated confidentially.

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  318142 Hits

Up and running!


Welcome to my new website!

The good thing is, I took the time and jump-started this site during a week off in February 2013. I always thought about having a website on my own since this seems mandatory these days anyway.

But here's the bad thing about it ... there are 2 specific reasons that always prevented me from having my own website and will still prevent me from maintaining it the way I would like:

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  604947 Hits

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